Beat Saber is a very fun and popular
VR (virtual reality) game.
The game is built as a music synced game. Basically when you put your VR headset on and
launch the game, you are put in this huge room on a tiny platform where you select a song and begin the match.
Once you are in the match you will see your controllers turn into lightsaber-like-objects. The sabers are your tools to win the game.
Once the music starts, you will see some blocks start coming straight at you. These blocks are called the "beats". You will also see
other objects such as the "walls", which will make you lose "stamina" when you put your head in them. You will also see "bombs" which
will make you lose stamina when you put your sabers in them.
Stamina is your health bar which determines that you fail the song once
it has been completely depleted.
So the blocks are the most common object and should be the thing you pay attention to the most.
The blocks have two colors. You can change these colors but the default are red and blue. When you change the two colors, you must
make sure you know which are which. The reason for this is because your right saber can only slash the blue blocks by default, but
as you change what colors the right and left hand are, those sabers can only slash those correspondingly. Your saber will be
the same color as the block you can slash to help make this distinction.
On the actual blocks themselves, they will have these
arrows on them. These arrows can point up, down, right, left, and all diagonal directions. You have to slash the correct color block,
and slash the right direction to not lose stamina, if you do any of these things wrong, you will lose stamina.
In the end you will
be slashing your arms around, ducking and avoiding the objects, all to the beat of the music.
Here is an example song of me playing Beat Saber, the song is Monody and this video is on my YouTube channel